
An emergency is any medical problem that could cause death or permanent injury if not treated quickly. The Emergency and Trauma care at Noble Heart Hospital is a 24-hour, fully-equipped medical center, which cares for all kinds of accident victims and emergency cases. Emergency and Trauma care is a state-of-the-art medical care center, with the latest medical equipment. Medical supplies are available round-the-clock from the in-house pharmacy, as well as the blood. The doctors and other medical staff are highly experienced in emergency medical care. They are accomplished in providing urgent medical or surgical care, basic and advanced life support and comforting patients and their caregivers.

Emergency Specialties:

  • Critical care emergencies
  • Cardiac emergencies
  • Road accidents
  • Head injuries
  • Medical emergencies
  • Obstetric & Gynecological emergencies
  • Pediatric emergencies

When you are ready to return home, you will have computerized follow-up instructions, and a full report of your emergency department visit will be forwarded to your primary care physician the next day.

Noble Heart hospital is theĀ best emergency care & trauma center in Rohtak. We are always here to support you. Contact us if you have any kind of emergency, we can help.