Protecting Your Heart: How to Prevent Heart Attacks

Heart attacks are a leading cause of death worldwide, and it is essential to take steps to prevent them. One of the best ways to prevent a heart attack is to visit the best heart hospital in Rohtak for regular checkups and screenings. At the best heart hospital in Rohtak, our team of experienced doctors…

गुर्दे की पथरी के लिए 5 त्वरित प्राकृतिक उपचार – 5 Quick Natural Treatments For Kidney Stones

एक गुर्दा पत्थर मूत्र पथ या गुर्दे में एक बाधा है जो एक कठोर, क्रिस्टलीय खनिज पदार्थ से बना होता है। चिकित्सा शब्दावली में, गुर्दे की पथरी को कभी-कभी गुर्दे की पथरी या नेफ्रोलिथ कहा जाता है। सबसे दर्दनाक चिकित्सा स्थितियों में से एक जो किसी भी समय चोट पहुंचा सकती है, वह है गुर्दे…

हार्ट अटैक के लक्षण – Signs of Heart Attack

दिल का दौरा तब पड़ता है जब हृदय में रक्त का संचार प्रतिबंधित या अवरुद्ध हो जाता है। रुकावट का कारण आमतौर पर कोलेस्ट्रॉल, वसा और अन्य यौगिकों का संचय होता है जो धमनियों में प्लाक बनाते हैं। कई बार प्लाक टूट जाते हैं, और यह एक थक्का बनाता है जो रक्त प्रवाह को रोकता…

Urology Diseases, Reason, Symptoms, and Treatment.

Urologic Diseases What Are Urologic Diseases? We all have a urinary system in our body consisting of the kidneys, urethra, bladder, and ureters. The function of the urinary system (also called the renal system) is to extract waste from the body and to regulate the electrolytes, blood pressure, blood volume, blood PH, and blood volume….

The reason behind constipation and how you can treat it?

Constipation occurs when a person has struggling to empty the large bowel. Home remedies and some changes in lifestyle can often help you to resolve it, but sometimes, in severe situations, you may need medical attention. Constipation can occur for many reasons, for instance when stool passes through the colon very slowly. Food moves slower to…

Hormone imbalance in women: symptoms, causes, treatment, and natural Remedies.

Hormonal imbalances happen when there is excess or lack of a hormone in the bloodstream. Because of their fundamental role in the body, even small hormonal imbalances can have side effects on the body. Hormones are chemicals that originate from glands in the endocrine system. Hormones go through the bloodstream to the tissues and organs,…

Food that helps to fight Depression

Depression can make anyone’s lifestyle worse. Depression can affect your life or lifestyle in different ways, for example you may feel unenergetic or you may start forgetting small things and your brain will be busy in some other thoughts, etc. Depression is caused by a symphony of factors such as genetics, illness, hormones and stress,…